137 Bellagio Cir,
Sanford Fl 32771
Nail Fundamentals
Go beyond a pretty Nail, Mastering the Fundamentals.
Hi. I’m Adalicia, Nail Artist and Educator.
Glad you’re here. I have something to tell you…
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas A. Edison
My, how true that rings…
When I began my Nail Career almost a decade ago, I quit twice before fully committing and embracing the challenge that is- Acrylic Nails. Why did I quit? Because it was hard. I had no guidance, nail school was crap, and I needed to make money.
How did I get back to it? I realized (personally) that working for someone else was even harder than Mastering the Science of Acrylic Nails. And I hated it, I did not like being on someone else’s time and dime. And with three kiddos at home, I needed to be in charge of my daily schedule. So I went to my desk, picked up my Kolinsky brush, opened my products and said- “it’s this for yourself, or go work for somebody else” and on to practice my “acrylic to powder ratio” I went.
9 years later I find myself in a classroom teaching a room full of Nail Technician students at ANC (The Academy of Nail Careers) how to remain patient with themselves, as I teach them all the Beauty, Art and Science that is- Acrylic Nails.
Is it easy? No. Not at first. But then, yes.
Is it fun? Absolutely.
Will you cry and pull your hairs out? Possibly (jokes). But I will be there to guide you every step of the way.
Wether you need a 1 on 1 session after graduating, or want to become a licensed professional through ANC- I’ll be your Educator. There’s more to Acrylic Nails than just the art. It is first and foremost a Science. The art? Well that’s just the most awesome byproduct of this particular science.
Are you ready to experience Acrylic Nails (either as a student, or a client) the way they were intended? With Beauty, style and most importantly- strength and a solid structure? And crafted by a Professional employing proper infection control practices and careful preparation of your natural nail to avoid any damages?
Ok. Then let me show you the proper way.
Welcome to Nail Fundamentals.