137 Bellagio Cir,
Sanford Fl 32771
Thank you for Booking with Nail Fundamentals. Please take a moment to read this important policy.
Thank you.
*By booking any appointments or classes with Nail Fundamentals YOU ARE AGREEING TO ALL TERMS AND POLICY AS STATED HERE.*
Policy is as follows:
Not all Full Set options offer or come with soak offs. Not all services offer the same options and time blocks. Please schedule accordingly. Please read service descriptions.
Failure to book proper service will offer you one of two options:
Acceptance of service as scheduled.
Cancelation of your appointment, and your deposit is lost.
Warning* - No Rescheduling. Must book a New appointment and pay a new deposit if canceling within 48 hours.
Deposits are nonrefundable/nontransferable if cancelation or rescheduling occurs within 48 hours of the appointment time. (72 hours for classes)
Please allow 2-4hrs for your services.
No extra guests.
Please WASH HANDS before service..
Please avoid excessive use of hands while having service performed as this affects the quality of your Nail enhancements.
Please avoid sudden movements and excessive body movements while having services performed. Sudden and or excessive movement may cause injury for you, the client.
Acrylic Nails require 24 hours to set. Please avoid above normal use of Nails for 24 hours after service.
I do not use MMA monomer (the purple liquid) It is illegal and unsafe. I use EMA. (The legal stuff) There is a $20 MMA Nail Enhancement Removal fee. MMA does not dissolve in Acetone.
Photographs and videos are part of the service. By booking any services you are agreeing to being video taped and photographed of your hands and nails, along with the backgrounds.
LATE ARRIVALS: After a 15 minute grace period your appointment is automatically cancelled and deposit is lost. A new deposit must be paid to book a new appointment. No Exceptions.
*After 3 tardies or cancellations within a 6 month period, refusal of further services is evaluated.
*Prices: All service have different prices and service times with descriptions included. Please Read. Prices do not include nail art, crystals or designs.
Nail Fundamentals offers the highest quality products and Professional Skill Level. Quality is Guaranteed.
Full Sets with NailFundamentals last an average of 4-6 weeks. A Fill in and rebalance is recommended every 3 weeks. Waiting any longer than 3 weeks poses a threat to your Nail plate as the protective Apex is grown out of place and must be rebalanced and restructured for maximum structure, longevity and Nail enhancement safety.
WARNING*- It is unsafe for your Acrylic Nails to be soaked off more than twice in one year. Doing so may be damaging to the nail bed and extremely drying to your nail plates.
It is recommended that you wait 6 months between soak offs and schedule proper fill ins every 3 weeks for regular maintenance of your acrylic enhancements.
*Prices subject to change without notice.